Psychological trainings are being held with the enlisted military personnel


In aim of studying educational-spiritual statement of the enlisted military personnel, help them for their social adaptation and improving solidarity among them various trainings are being held in Samarkand, Jizzakh, Navoi and Kattakurgan garrisons.

During the trainings thoughts on each youth is responsible for today’s peaceful and prosperous life, and this prosperous life was presented to people by independent are being absorbed.

Furthermore, psychological training exercises are being held for raising up educational-psychological statement of the enlisted military personnel to festive level, increasing their passion to the military profession.

As well as, psychodiagnostics tests and questionnaire are also organized for supply social adaptation of the enlisted military personnel to their service place.

Military personnel’s day off is also particular noticed, and in the initiative of the command concert programs in participation of well-known master of word and military orchestra are also being organized for spending time joyful.

Press service of the Central military district