Medical knowledge of the military personnel is being strengthened


Since September of 2022-year military personnel of the North-Western military districts, who have not medical specialty, have started to study in the “Tactical medics” educational program which was started under the Nukus military hospital.

During the third educational season it’s particularly important that interactive methods and modern medical layouts are being used in the theoretical and practical trainings.

The meaning of tactical medicine is military measures in the fight area which are directed to safe soldier’s life, to prevent risky situations which are dangerous for the fighters, and to prevent probably consequences which bring to disability. 

Productiveness of the first medical aid in the fight is up to the time and quality of injuring. As the result of the first medical aid medical specialist may safe injured military personnel, or in contrast, may harm health. Therefore, in the troops of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan it’s being paid attention to present first medical aid military personnel to themselves and to their line-mates seriously.  In the meaning, medical knowledge of the military personnel is being strengthened and particular trainings are being held with them.

Firstly, at the Nukus military hospital anatomy and physiology of person were learnt. Then various style and methods of saving life of the probably injured or damaged soldier were taught perfectly. As well as, important knowledge on bring out from the fight area injured soldiers and evacuating them was also improved. At the end of the educational program listeners were tested on 6-houred theoretical and practical exercises and certificates were presented to them.

Press service of the North-Western military district