Uzbekistan-Turkey: co-operation in the military medical field is developing more


Military clinical hospital of Uzbekistan which contained modern medicine aspects, pays particularly attention to development of its function.

In the circle the development of mutual co-operation between Uzbekistan and Turkey co-operation between military hospital and University of Health science of Turkey is also being expanded fast.

Particularly, joint projects in military medical education and raising professional qualification of specialists, also, complicated operations are being carried out with the foreign qualified doctors.

In the meaning, opening ceremony of the raising professional qualification monthly courses in co-operation University of Health science of Turkey and Central military clinical hospital of Uzbekistan for the Armed Forces academy specialists, was held.

At the event Jevded Erdol who is head of the Tukish university, remembered that faculty under the Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino and Qualified medical services higher school were established in 2019. 

By the High school high level nurse diploma were presented to 52 nurses in 2022 and nearly 60 professor and qualified doctors came to Uzbekistan for exchanging experience. He mentioned that 100 doctors will exchange professional experience current year, and mentioned he is ready to co-operate overall with Uzbekistan.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communication department