Pupils of the Presidential school visited to the military district


A group of pupils of the Presidential school located in Karshi visited to the managing apparatus of the North-Western special military district. Officers of the district acquainted them with the area of district and conditions for the military personnel in it.

In fact, museum of honor is full with many interesting historical equipment and information. Pupils while getting acquainted with them, got overall information reforms in the military sphere and their interest to the field also raised.

After that open conversation with the professional officers in the spirit of patriotism was held at the Center of culture. Also tunes and songs in the spirit of military-patriotism which were performed Karshi song and dance ensemble shared festive mood to guests. Pupils also showed their talents in literary performances.

In addition, at the Youths canter located in Karshi city next meeting was held in military-patriotism spirit. At the event which was organized in co-operation North-Western special military district and regional department of the Youths affairs agency a group of youth leaders, military personal and school pupils attended.

Veterans of the field shared their memories from their serving time and young military personnel also talked about impressions about national army of Uzbekistan. In the sincere conversation youth got full answer to their questions.

It should be noted that different measures are being held to increase youths’ interests to protect Motherland, to bring up them in the patriotism spirit and enrich their knowledge. One of such events is “Zakovat” intellectual game which is held among the military personnel of all force systems.

In the meaning, such kind of tournament was held at the Higher military aviation institute. 5 teams: Guard troops under the Ministry of Internal affairs, regional department of the National guard, military personnel of the Border troops of the State security service, regional department of the Emergency situations and Higher military aviation institute teams competed in it.

At the final results, Higher military aviation institute team was winner and got mobile cup. Active representatives were also awarded immemorable gifts.

Press service of the Norths-Western special military district