“Amir Temur’s battle flag” is in Samarkand


“Amir Temur’s battle flag” which carried to the Central military district was received festively in the Sahibkiran’s capital, ancient and blooming Samarkand.

Festive events started in the beginning of Samarkand, that’s to say, in Bulungur district and went on through the Jomboy, Narpay, Pakhtachi districts and Samarkand city and accompanied the flag to the Navoi region.

In the event which was held at the Kuksaroy square in Samarkand head of the region Erkinjon Turdimov and district troops commander, general-major Oybek Saidov congratulated all with this high-level award.

Also mentioned about hard work till reaching this award, it will be more difficult to keep this achievement, and motivated all to keep it in this way.

Through the festive events people, especially, youth honored with flag and more than again understand at the same time it’s important to have courage and braveness like ancestors.

Press service of the Central military district