Theoretical knowledge of conscripts has been strengthened in practice


The conscripts of the military unit located in the Samarkand garrison of the Central Military District strengthened their theoretical knowledge in practice at the Sazagan training field.

First, the young men improved their skills in repairing and providing technical service on tank weapons, administering first aid and evacuation to the wounded people, and observing safety rules during exercises. Of course, the combination of theory and practice is important in the perfect study of the sphere. Therefore, in accordance with the plan of the academic year, the main attention was paid to improving the practical skills of soldiers.

With the help of guide sergeant conscripts not only moved combat equipment through different obstacles, but also targeted and destroyed targets located at different distances. During the training, conscripts strengthened their theoretical knowledge in practice by performing the duties of the tank crew’s as mechanic driver and a tank gunner.

Although it has not been long since they were accepted into the army, the change in the behavior and conduct of the soldiers shows how lofty  their goals, mission and responsibility are.

At the end of the training, “The most advanced tank company”, “The most advanced tank group” and “The most advanced tank crew” were identified, and they were reasonably encouraged by the command of the troops of the Central Military District.

 Press service of the Central Military District