Patriotic festivals were held in the remote areas


Military personnel of Jizzakh, Samarkand, Kattakorgan and Navoi garrisons organized patriotic festivals for the youth of remote areas.

Particularly, festivals that were established in cooperation with Konimeh, Bahmal, Samarkand, Kattakorgon, Okdarya towns and Samarkand city hokimiyat, regional department of defense affairs, as well as, veterans and power structures, began with walking marathon under the slogan “5000 steps for a healthy life”.

The veterans who made a speech at the festivals talked about the meaning and results of the reforms implemented in the defense system of Uzbekistan, the lives of military personnel, conditions that are being created for them, and told that young people should make a worthy contribution to the peace of Motherland and its protection.

During the events, songs and musical performances in patriotic spirit which were performed by well-known singers and military orchestra shared festive spirit to all.

Especially, various performances presented by military personnel and psychological training conducted by military psychologists were made an unforgettable impression in the hearts of youths.

Press service of the Central military district