“Vatan tayanchi” badges were presented to the pupils of the Presidential schools


In the aim of increasing and making active fruitfulness of the measures on bringing up young people in the spirit of patriotism and bravery, to the educational and ideological works involving citizens, state and non-state organizations and other civil society institutes “Vatan tayanchi” (Support of the Motherland) breast badges and documents were presented ceremonially to the pupils of the Presidential schools which is located in Nurafshon city.

Deputy hokim of the city N.Kulbekova, responsible representative of the defense affairs department A.Nurillayev, deputy director of the school and wide public took part in this event.

On March 22, 2022 Presidential decree on “Organizing of the “Vatan tayanchi” (Support of the Motherland) children and adolescents military-patriotic movement” was signed. In the meaning, it is new direction of the state policy on youths, new shape of bring up them in the spirit of patriotism.

In this decree, creating “Vatan tayanchi” youth detachments by selecting the most educated, patriotic, clever and initiator 20 ones among the 10-11-grade-pupils of the secondary schools, was appointed.

As well as, tasks for related organizations and institutes on supporting “Vatan tayanchi” movement, and presenting preferential recommendations to the members of the movement to the higher military educational institutes.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department