In Syrdarya “Meeting of chief and youths” was held


In the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of establishment of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan and 14th January — Day of Defenders of Motherland, in Malik residential area in Syrdarya region “Meeting of chief and youths” was held in aim of bringing up young people in patriotically spirit, establish meaningfully their free time, as well as, increasing their interest to the military field.

Military unit commander, chief of the regional council of the Union of youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students, military personnel and their children attended in this event.

Firstly, military specialists gave answer and information about privileges in the military sphere and using from them productively.

After that open conversation was held between the unit commander and young people. While getting acquainted with the history of the military unit and specialties in the military unit, they had opportunity to get full information to their questions which made interest to the military profession.

At the end of the event commemorative gifts were presented to youths who were active at the event.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department