Battle readiness of the “Shields of the North” are being improved


According to the battle readiness plan, in Nukus garrison either theoretical, or practical trainings are being held by the professional officers and guide sergeants and particularly being paid attention to the ability of discipline endurance and tenacity of the military personnel in the cold weather and fulfilling battle orders.

Although current winter season is colder in the North-Western borders battle horse riders of the cavalry section are fulfilling tasks as usual with their battle-service horses. Enlisted military personnel who are learning secrets of military horse-riding trained in several months and had experience on crossing over the obstacles with horses, carrying military equipment and ammunition and fighting. At present battle trainings coming to an exciting head in the battle city located in little training field which was opened current year. According to the reports weather measuring device, the weather is -21 degree. But such uncomfortable condition cannot be obstacle to the enlisted military personnel who came for training. Aim is clear, intension is strictly. Training exercises have to be done!

Cold weather wasn’t notified because of tasks such as using from military equipment, moving together in fighting area, carrying out tactical duties and fulfilling norms from engineering readiness.

Sergeants who are fulfilling tasks such as in doing battle duties in the structure of detachment carrying out special operations, holding search-rescue measures, crossing mined zones and others tasks have already experience in different weather condition during service years. Stable qualification, professional ability, patience certainly will strengthen more in such exercises.

Productiveness of the first aid in war, certainly, depends on first aid time and quality to people who injured. First aid in injuring, poisoning and damaging we can save people’s life or we may damage to his health. At the “Tactical medical” (paramedical) educational courses under the Nukus hospital paid attention particularly improving military personnel’s skill on giving first aid to their service-mates. Although the weather is cold, in the next practical training defenders of the course performed first aid exercises for a comrade who was wounded in the battle.