“Following Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur” contest was held


At the culture center of the military unit located in Khonobod city under the Ministry of defense attachment stage of the contest was held in aim of analyzing great commander Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur’s strategic approaches in building powerful state, reforms which he had carried out and ability of managing troops.

Selected teams from military units in Andijan, Namangan and Fergana competed mutually for the victory in it.

In the contest teams answered to the questions about Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur’s place in literature, battle art and as a founder of the powerful state. Contest was assessed transparent and fair.

According to the final results of the contest teams reached following places:

1st place — “Followers of Bobur” (Fergana region);

2nd place — “Mubayyin” (Andijan region);

3rd place — “Humoyun” (Namangan region).

Diploma and commemorative gifts were presented to the winners and prize-winners, and expressed success to the next stage of competing.