Spiritual event was held on theme “Jadids: ideas about national identity, statehood and independence”


In the culture palace of the directorate of the South-Western special military district spiritual event was held on theme “Jadids: ideas about national identity, statehood and independence”.

During the event which district officers, sergeant structures attended professor teachers of Karshi state university and Karshi engineering-economics institute made a speech about the jadids movement, their aim and works which they have carried out.

While presenting documentary film about lights of nation who had wanted to awake heedless people, attenders’ knowledge in this way was strengthened.

Defenders of the country got full answer to their questions during the conversation about Munavvarkori Abdurashidxonov, Cholpan, Makhmudxoja Behbudi, Abdulla Avloni who had handed torch of knowledge highly.

As well as, for interesting speech and wealthy information gratitude was expressed by district to teachers, and thanks letters were presented.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department