In the “Forish” mountain field of the Central military district “Field kitchen” competition have started in the scale of the Ministry of defense.
Command of the Central military district, responsible officers of the General department of material-technical support of the Ministry of defense, as well as, teams of each military district and command took part in the festive opening ceremony.
Those who made a speech in the event gave information about role of the military cooks in the national army and expressed success to attenders in competing. After that the initial stage of the competition, that’s to say, “Shooting training” have started. According to this, 6 attenders from each team shot 10 times to the target which were situated in 100-meter distance.
Military personnel who have high experience in cooking a meal, presented their battle ability as well, and showed good results. Following the results:
- Central military district — 96 score;
- Eastern military district — 87.8 score;
- Tashkent military district — 86.5 score;
- South-Western special military district — 79 score;
- Commandof the security forces of categorized objects — 74.8 score;
- North-Western military district — 70.6 score.
Competition will last till November 24 and at the end of competition “The best advanced field kitchen” nomination winner and prize-winners were found out, also, names of winners in following nominations “The best advanced military cook”, “The best advanced baker” and “The best advanced sniper” were announced.
Press service of the Central military district