Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school is 105 year-old


One of the higher military educational institute Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school which is preparing officers who has organizing and leading abilities, has been 105 year since it was founded. If we look through to the honorable past of this military educational institute that has more than a century honorable history, we see how significantly important the achievements in the way of piece.

As the reason of II World War in 1941st year Harkov tankers school evacuated to Chirchik city, re-opened Tashkent tankers school and prepared more than seven thousands of tanker officers who had fought against to fascism patiently and bravely during the war. 78 of them had reached ranks of heroism and left unforgettable memory in the history of the school. In 1966th year higher educational institute status was given to the school and duration of academic year was expended to four year.

Since April 1, 1993rd year educational place was re-founded as the Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school and today at the departments of school theoretical knowledge will be practiced in the training field conditions as well. In this process cadets practice exercises on fulfilling battle and special troop actions by using from the paratroops battle vehicles, self-propelled artillery equipment, tanks, armored transporters, zenith weapons, modern aspects of communication and management. In addition, at the school not just for the troops of army of Uzbekistan, but also to the army of neighbor Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan republics also military specialists are being prepared in following: tactical command of tank troops, tactical command of air and airborne troops, tactical command of departments on fight against to terrorism, tactical command of departments on special operation forces, tactical command of command-engineering zenith-rocket troops and tactical engineering of tank troops specialties.

Firstly, personnel structure lined in the lining area at the festive event. Then the state flag of Uzbekistan and the flag of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan were brought to the line area ceremonially. Sounds of the anthem of Uzbekistan was performed by the officers, sergeants, cadets, enlisted military personnel and guests in an accompanying voice. After that ceremony went on at the culture palace with the holiday program that was presented in participation of generals and officers who have studied in different years at the Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school and come to the event as the guest.

At the ceremonial event which was celebrated 105th anniversary of the Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school a group of military personnel and Armed Forces servicemen who are working with devotion in preparing future officers and fulfilling their duty with loyal, were awarded by the Ministry of defense, Tashkent military district and administration of the school with the badges, thanks letters and commemorative gifts. Also, at the event generals, veteran officers, labor veterans, students of Chirchik pedagogical institute and school pupils attended as well.

Concert program which was performed by singers of the Central song and dance ensemble of the Armed Forces shared more festive spirit to the event.

Asror Ruziboyev, Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department