Winners of the International Olympiad were received festively


On March 28-31 in Dilijan city of Armenia cadets of the Higher military aviation school of Uzbekistan won in the “International English” science Olympics which is held among the Commonwealth of Independent States. According to the final results, Uzbek cadets Jasurbek Yusupov, Xudoyorxon Jo‘rayev, Abdulfotih Komiljonov va Ulug‘bek Kozimov reached III place.

Yesterday, on April 2 cadets of the Higher military aviation school of the Republic of Uzbekistan were received from the Tashkent International airport named after Islam Karimov. In the ceremony responsible officers of the Ministry of defense, deputy head of the Higher military aviation school, cadets, winners’ families and other relatives attended.

As cadets said, competition was in hard competing and based on medical theme, named “Citizens health — base of security of state”. According to the statues of the competition, cadets have competed in 4 directions.

First tour was writing and consisted of 6 units, it was held on theme “Healthy body — healthy brain”, and tested cadets’ grammatical knowledge, and understanding ability lexical text and international writing speech in it. In the second stage was on theme “Cleanliness — a pledge of health”, which consisted of III units.

In the final stage “Concilium” team victorine was held. In this task questions with videos were given to the participant teams. After each question from one minute given to cadets to debate and find out answer. Uzbek cadets showed in final stage also their knowledge and defensed honor of Uzbekistan. The result is certain!

We will remind, that in such authoritative competition Uzbek cadets first time placed from strong triple. In addition, Leader of the state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Shavkat Mirziyoyev while during his visit to the Higher military aviation school talked with cadets openly and expressed good luck before competition.

 Ministry of defense Information and
mass communications department