Best warriors were received festively


As we informed before, Military personnel of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, junior sergeants Anvar Tursunov and Azamat Kenjayev have won in the “Most advanced warrior-2023” competition, which was held at the “Camp Shelby” military training base in Mississippi state of USA. 

At the ceremony responsible officers of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan, military personnel, winners’ family and representatives of mass media attended in it.

During the event commemorative gifts were presented to winners who were received under the performances of military orchestra.  After that military personnel shared their competition impressions to journalists.

We will remind, Uzbek military personnel competed with the military personnel of the Special units of the United States National Guard in this competition, which was aimed strengthening international military cooperation and increasing the prestige of serving in special forces.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department