The most advanced specialists of the Tashkent military district were awarded


At the military unit belongs to the Tashkent military district, awarding ceremony winners and prize-winners of the competitions under the motto “Men g‘olib!” (I am a winner) held through the scale of the Ministry of Defense was held.

Colonel Akbar Karimov, deputy commander of the troops of the Tashkent military district for combat training, at the event warmly congratulated the military personnel on their high results and records, and mentioned about special attention is paid to improving their combat and moral-educational training. As it was noted, in 2022, the teams of the Tashkent military district won 9 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze medals in 15 nominations at the competitions held under the motto “Men g‘olib!” (I am a winner) and took 1st place overall.  In addition, 56 military from this military district took part in the team of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international army games “ArMI-2022”, and all of them won honorable places.

We reached the first place in the “Dropship platoon” competition held under the slogan “I am a winner” together with our team, – said private soldier Ghiyos Rahmonov. – This competition was held on the basis of 5 conditions: “Strong will”, “In togetherness we are strong”, “Race master”, “Precision skydiving” and “The most advanced specialist”. The united action of our team and careful preparation for the competition ensured our convincing victory. We are ready to defend the honor of our country by taking first place in the international competitions.

At the solemn event, held under the slogan “Men g‘olib!” (I am a winner!), “Landing platoon”, “Rider”, “Reader and connoisseur of Temur tuzuks”, “Warrior of peace”, “Mountain warrior”, “Loyal friend”, “Equestrian marathon”, “Military-medical  relay”, “Field kitchen”, “Mountain invasion group”, “Specially assigned group”, “Reliable reception”, “The most advanced machine gunner specialist”, “The most advanced grenade launcher account”, “Followers of Tomaris”  and souvenirs were handed over. Also, the concert program performed by the Central song and dance ensemble of the Armed Forces and the singers of the Tashkent military district Spirituality and enlightenment center gave everyone a festive spirit.

Dilshod Ruzikulov, Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department