“Army games” competitions were started at the “Nuriston” training field


Competitions of army games were started which is held under the slogan “Men g‘olib” (I’m a winner) at the “Nuriston” training field in possession South-Western district.

At the festive opening ceremony youth of the town and honorary military servicemen attended.  People who made a speech wished success to participants of contest, and expressed trust them to show knowledge and experience overall.

At the training field “Nuriston” it was planned to hold in 4 directions, such as “The most progressive machine-gunner”, “The most progressive grenadier”, “The most advanced AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher) and PGS (Prompt Global Strike) account” and “Snipers boundary”.

At present from all districts the best selected soldiers gathered and they mobilized all their knowledge and experience to protect their honor of their districts.

In this contests soldiers’ works will be assessed fair by the responsible military officers of the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan.

Media service of the South-Western special military district