Demonstration trainings were organized for material supply specialists


The command of the troops of the North-Western Military District organized demonstrative trainings for the specialists of the material supply of the district in the territory of the bases of the military units in the Nukus garrison and the “Nukus” general military training field.

In training aimed at creating comfortable and safe conditions at the place of permanent location for personnel, the equipment of military personnel’s dormitory, kitchen, bathroom and sanitary systems, household service facilities, ensuring the normal condition of heating and cooling systems in the rooms, electricity the necessary information on the use of equipment and management of the economy was delivered.

During the training, practical actions on ensuring fire safety in military units and institutions, effective use of firefighting and rescue equipment available in the state, rescuing victims and providing them with first aid were demonstrated.

Shuningdek, mashg‘ulotlar doirasida qo‘shinlarda veterinariya ta’minotini tashkil etishda harbiy qism va muassasalarga keltirilayotgan oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarining sifati, saqlanishi va taom tayyorlashda sanitariya-gigiyenik talablariga rioya etish bo‘yicha mutaxassislar tomonidan tushunchalar berib o‘tildi. Harbiy qism va muassasalarda elektr jihozlaridan foydalanishda xavfsizlik qoidalariga rioya etish, elektr qurilmalari va agregatlari bilan ishlashda ehtiyot choralariga amal qilish ko‘rsatib o‘tildi.

Additionally  as part of the training, the experts gave insights on the quality of food products brought to the military units and institutions, as well as their storage and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in the preparation of food, in the organization of veterinary supply in the troops. Appliances with safety rules for the use of electrical equipment in military units and institutions, as well as precautions for working with electrical devices and aggregates, were demonstrated.

In accordance with the demonstration training plan, the next training points were organized on the territory of the “Nukus” general military training field. The specialists were shown the military infirmary set up by the Nukus military hospital in field conditions, and the activities and possibilities of the military field hospital were shown, which are equipped to receive the sick and wounded, provide them with medical treatment, and conduct surgery and other medical operations.

Deployment of mass refueling point for vehicles in the field and operation of mobile refueling station, organization of storage of clothing and food products, clothing workshop, control point for front line supply management , practical skills on the operation of weapons and fuel depots, their equipment and organization of camouflage were enriched.

The operation of the mobile bakery in the field was certainly the most interesting of all the learning points in this demonstration exercise. After all, the constant supply of warm bread to the troops using autonomous electricity in an unknown area is an important factor in real combat situations.

At the end of the training, the initiatives and proposals put forward by material supply specialists were taken into account, and appropriate instructions were given to apply them in the future development and progress of the industry.

Press service of the North-Western Military District