The Training of Army’s Air Defence troops Units has started


The modernization of our Armed Forces in recent years is an important factor in increasing the combat readiness of our national army and ensuring the effectiveness of training exercises.

A training session with the Air Defence  units of the Army began at the “Termiz” military training field.

Those who spoke at the opening ceremony of the meeting noted that all material and technical bases and necessary conditions for military personnel have been created in military units and institutions in order to bring the level of combat training of the troops equal to the most advanced armies of the world. In this process, it was emphasized that the guardians of our peace should only be sought out, work on themselves, and acquire the latest modern knowledge.

 During the field training , military personnel will increase their existing experience and practically strengthen their knowledge and skills in combat training.

The meeting will last until November 16 of this year.

 Third Sergeant  Akbar AHMEDOV,
Termiz garrison