An exhibition of military equipment and weapons was organized for the cadets


A real soldier should be not only physically strong, but also mentally ready for difficult situations. In this regard, the training provided by the professional officers of our national army is important.

The exhibition of military equipment and weapons, which is traditionally held annually at the base of training processes of the Academy of Armed Forces for the cadets of the 1st stage of the academy, took place again this year. First, the opening of the exhibition was held at the educational base with the participation of cadets of all higher military educational institutions that are part of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan.

The head of the academy gave a speech and congratulated the cadets of all higher military educational institutions admitted to the 1st course for achieving their first goals and being awarded the honorary title of cadet of the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

After that, the cadets were taught the basic knowledge of the usage of equipments in mountain training, communication, engineering, canine science, intelligence, parachute deployment and other fields. The cadets of the Academy of Armed Forces studying 11 specialties received practical answers from the graduates of the institution.Through this, the graduates of the educational institution once again tested their knowledge and skills.

We would not be wrong to say that such events were another practical proof of the reforms being implemented under the motto of the people and the army are one body and one soul. In addition, it serves to increase young people’s feelings of love and protection of the country, not being indifferent to the well-being of the people, fortitude and courage.

Yulduz Ormonova, Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense