Sport competitions were held for the “Cup of the commander” in Samarkand and Navoi regions


In Samarkand region in hand-to-hand combat, and in the military unit of Navoi garrison national kurash and stone lifting sport competitions were held for the “Cup of the commander”.

During each round 8 weights athletes have competed for the victory in the hand-to-hand combat debates, and showed their skills in various painful blows and combat methods, as well as, kurash athletes who’s the shovel hasn’t hit the ground, also showed their wrist strength and raised up to the top of the podium.

In the heated and uncompromising stone lifting debates attenders competed in personnel, collective and personnel-collective results by lifting in weight of 16, 24 and 32 kg stones. In each competition about 100 officer and sergeants, also enlisted military personnel who came recently to the rows of national army took part too.

Competition was assessed fair and transparent by the qualified referees. At the end of sport debates, winners and prizewinners were awarded with medals, diplomas and honorable letters.

Press service of the Central military district