Military personnel competed in the competition army hand-to-hand combat in Nukus


According to the schedule plan of the academic year, in one of the military units of Nukus garrison, a competition on the army hand-to-hand combat was held. While competing in 8 weight category wrestlers must land more strike, should use from painful and combating techniques and submit their rival during three-minute rounds.

Participation of about 100 officers and sergeants, along with conscripts who recently joined the rows of the army, testified to the popularity of this sport among youths.

In the competition, a mechanism for fair and transparent assessing of the contests by a qualified referee was established. There were winners, as well as, losers in the battle. Wrestlers who were giving spiritual encouragement to their teammates, turned the entire area into a big competition field, as if they were competing on the world battlefield.

At the end of the competition, medals, diplomas and honor certificates were handed over to the winners and prize-winners. The winning team was awarded with a mobile trophy of the commander of the military unit. Military personnel who won the first places had the opportunity to defend the honor of the military unit at the district level.

Press service of the North-western military district