Command-staff educational training was held in military cooperation of Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan


According to the plan of the military cooperation between ministries of defense of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan from July 27 till August 1 by leading head of the commander of the troops of the Tashkent military district “UZAZ – 2023” computer command-staff training was held on theme “Organizing and holding special operation of the troops on the restricting, weakening and destroying illegal armed structures” at the Armed Forces Researches on the modernization and simulation training center.

At the beginning of the training delegation of Azerbaijan got acquainted with the Researches on the modernization and simulation training center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

After that information about initial distribution tasks of groups, map of the initial state and other methods of holding fighting were given and preparation to the active stage of the training has started.

While training military personnel of both countries exchanged opinion and experience on fighting against to illegal armed structures and traying to cross illegally from the border.

Also, theoretical and practical sides of military and battle operations of the special group and battalions in the armed collisions were looked through.

According to the daily order, delegation of Azerbaijan visited to the sightseeing places of Uzbekistan.

Firstly, military personnel of Azerbaijan led flowers to the Heydar Aliyev’s memorial bust which was located in Tashkent city. After that tours were organized to the Victory park, Hasti Imam complex, “Shakhidlar Khotirasi” (“Memory of martyrs’) square and State museum of Amir Temur as well.

Computer command-staff training between both state have finished achievable.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department