Bektemir Melikuziyev was received worthy


Sportsman of the Sport center of the Ministry of defense, senior lieutenant Bektemir Melikuziyev who trains with the super middle-weight on boxing, came back to Uzbekistan after his victory in Las-Vegas city. Uzbek sportsman was received worthy from the Tashkent international airport in participation of responsible officers of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan and sportsman’s family members.

For information, in the boxing party which was held in Las-Vegas state of the United States of America Gabriel Rosado (26-17-1, 15 KO) was rival. Fight went on in full 10 rounds. First two rounds last middle temp and little superiority was toward Melikuziyev. After third round Melikuzoyev increased activeness and fighting against his rival. Melikuziyev reached knocking his rival out from balance after his left-hand punch. Next three rounds lefts also for the Uzbek boxer’s account. At the ninth round Bektemir through the series of the hits he pressured enforcement to Rosado. Even at the tenth round he didn’t leave a chance to his rival. At the end of competition juries noted Uzbek boxer’s victory — 99-91, 99-91, 99-91.

In this meaning, Bektemir Melikuziyev finished second competition which was passed against Rosado with completely victory.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department