Military personnel are attending actively in the “Yashil makon” project


Trees and plants are the main sources of oxygen which is necessary for life. According to the accounts, each person needs eight trees for his need of oxygen. As spring season comes, planting trees and seedling throughout Uzbekistan become intense more than ever.

It should be mentioned, that military personnel are also actively participated in such landscaping works. Particularly, military personnel of the military units of Tashkent city, Navoi and Fergana regions under the Ministry of Defense are carrying out cleaning and planting works in the areas of district centers, mahallas, children’s houses, nursing home, and cemeteries as well.

Defenders of the country are cleaning ditches, cultivating trees and land, and building and repairing children’s playgrounds.

Residents of the regions, especially youths are actively attending in this campaign which is being held under the motto “Yashil makonni barpo etishda oz hissamni qo‘shaman!” (I will contribute to establishing of a green space).

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department