Military personnel from different regions competed on the national traditions


In the troops of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan, various contests are being regularly held in order to support perfect military families in society comprehensive, to encourage them materially and morally.

On of such contest is the competition which was held under the motto “It is an honorable duty to know and respect national values ​​and traditions” in the military unit located in Kakaydi garrison under the South-Western special military district.

Military personnel who are serving in Kakaydi garrison and their family members from all regions of Uzbekistan took part in this competition.

Initially, places were allocated for the participants in the Alley of writers. After that, they presented their stage performances, decorated with the national values ​​of their native regions. The condition of the competition that military personnel decorate the table together with their family members and each participant cooks the national dishes of their regions gave the competition a more intense spirit. In turn, these processes were assessed by qualified referee.

Competition went on with a concert program at the cultural center of the military unit. Winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts by the leadership of the military unit.