At the Military medical academy of the Armed Forces “Oath to the Motherland” ceremony was held


Graduation ceremony of cadets who completed the “Training of reserve and reserve officers” stage was held at the Military medical academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

From early in the morning cadets lined up to swear to the Motherland under the sound of a military orchestra. Initially, the representatives of the leadership of the Military medical academy made a speech, wished the defenders of the country and their family members, as well as, honorably fulfill their responsible duty in protecting and restoring the health of people, and sincerely congratulated the cadets on this unforgettable day.

After that, the cadets ceremonially took the “Oath to the Motherland”.

Military personnel, state and public representatives, parents and young people took part in this event and spoke about the conditions created for military personnel in Uzbekistan, as well as, reforms in the way of their social protection and wished the graduates success in their future service.

Ministry of defense information and mass communications department