“Birlestik-2024”: In the training field “Oymasha” joint military drills were held


Before it was reported that the military personnel of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan are taking part in the international training “Birlestik-2024” which was organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Recently a group of united troops demonstrated their capabilities in practical processes.

In this regard, military delegation led by the minister of defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, general-lieutenant Bahadir Kurbanov, visited Kazakhstan to directly observe the processes.

Military personnel of the participating countries demonstrated 17 tactical performs as part of the actions held in the “Oymasha” training field. All of them were directed to the single training-combat task — to identify, encircle and destroy illegal armed groups.

Determining the base areas, positions and routes of advance movement of conventional fighters was carried out by the crews of fighter planes and unmanned aerial vehicles. The locations of the identified targets were intercepted by artillery fire. Attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles launched from conditional enemy positions were countered with the help of portable anti-aircraft missile complexes and anti-aircraft devices in cooperation with radio-electronic warfare tools.

The success of the operation was enhanced by the introduction of the tactical airborne forces, which had previously taken a favorable position, into the battle, as well as the strikes of the mixed aviation group. Further military maneuvers continued on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the sea area near Tokmak.

Recently festive closing ceremony of the “Birlestik-2024” tactical-rapid command-staff training took place in Mangystau region.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department