In Fergana region graduation ceremony of the military-academic lyceum was held


Solemnly receiving diploma ceremony was held in participation of graduators of Fergana “Temurbeklar maktabi” military-academic lyceum.

Event has started with bringing in flag ceremonially in the row area. After performing state anthem by the pupils of the graduation stage and their parents and other attenders of the event, pupils of the military-academic lyceum lined up for taking diplomas.

While receiving diplomas graduators who have acquired knowledge from specialists of own profession and qualified teachers, promised ceremonially with proud in heart by saying “I serve with loyalty to the Republic of Uzbekistan!”

While presenting diplomas to the pupils, commander of the Eastern military district troops, general-major Aybek Saidov, responsible officers of the district, teachers, veterans and representatives of the active public wished success to the future activity.

At the literary part of the event in the patriotically spirit songs were performed by well-known singers, and concert program shared festive mood to all.

Press service of the Eastern military district