In Nurobod comprehensive military-patriotically festival was held


In one of the remote areas of Samarkand region Nurobod town military-patriotically youth festival was held. Representatives of town hokimiyat, military personnel of military units located in kattakurgan garrison under the Central military district, group of military orchestra, “Vatanparvar” organization supporting the defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional department of the Youth affairs agency and representatives of active public took part in it.

Initiative, main events of festival have started with the walking marathon under the slogan “5000 step toward healthy life”. By the way, current event is particular significant in setting healthy life style, stabling young people’s health, as well as, stabling mutual solidarity.

During the event various military-battle performances by the military personnel and concert program of the military orchestra, furthermore, numerous contest and competitions shared real festive mood to all.

Press service of the Central military district