Readiness for the World Championship among the military personnel


The president of the International sports council (CISM) judo sports commission, general Farshad Najafipour and his assistant Hamid Reza Muhammad visited to Uzbekistan for observing the preparation process for the XXXXII World Championship among the military personnel. The guests took part in the briefing organized by the Judo Federation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and got the necessary information about the prestigious competition.

During the event which was held at the Judo Federation, the deputy minister of defense, colonel Alisher Norboyev, and the General Secretary of the Judo Federation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Aziz Sobirov, discussed in detail the work being carried out in Uzbekistan within the framework of the World Championship. In the meaning, general Farshad Najafipour and his assistant were informed about this. In turn, the Iranian guests emphasized that due to the attention paid to judo at the state level in Uzbekistan, Uzbek athletes are achieving great success in the world arenas, and expressed confidence that any international competition held on this ground will be organized at a high level.

After that, the guests got to know the hotel where the participants of the World Championship live, the training arena and the activities of the Judo Federation. General Farshad observed the actions of young people learning the secrets of judo on the Najafipur tatami. As well as, expressed their wish that in the future, among the athletes become more again well-known sportsmen like Davlat Bobonov, Alisher Yusupov, Diyora Keldiyorova, Gulnoza Matniyozova and took a picture for memory.

For information, current XXXXII World Championship among the military personnel is planned to be held on October 14-20 of this year at the “Saxovat sport service” sports complex in Tashkent city.

Ministry of defense information and mass communications department