In Ishtihon “Head and youth meeting” was held


In the initiative of the Central military district in the regard of the “Youth month” next “Head and youth meeting” was held in Ishtihon town, which aimed calling young people of Samarkand to be patriotically, supplying them social and supporting in carrying out their goals.

Representatives of the district troops, hokim of town Fazliddin Ruziyev, representatives of defense affairs department and detachments took part in the event.

Initiative, advices were given in open conversation on protecting youths mind from adverse effects of various factors, as well as, positive sides of using right from internet.

Furthermore, full information was given them who wants to serve in the rows of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan and to study in the higher military educational institutions.

In addition, problems and appeals of youths and positive solution to them were studied by the responsible representatives of the related organizations.

Press service of the Central military district