Recommendation letters were handed over to the children of military personnel


In Nukus garrison a ceremony was held dedicated to present preferential recommendation letters to 31 children of military personnel. In current event commander of the troops of the North-Western military district, general-major Farhodjon Shermatov ceremonially handed over these recommendation letters to their owners.

As part of the reforms in the field of social protection of military personnel which are being carried out, issuance of recommendation letters for their children for studying in higher educational institutions brings endless gladness to the homes of defenders of the Motherland. Every year, hundreds of sons and daughters of defenders of the country are fortunate enough to enter higher education institutions based on quota with the support of such care of state.

Particularly, recommendation letters are sent directly to commanders (heads) who have made a worthy contribution to strengthening the defense power of the country, and who have achieved certain results in combat service, as well as, scientific activity, to military personnel under contract, who belong to the ranks of sergeants and private soldiers — for their children to study in higher educational institutions.

Furthermore, children of military personnel who died during his military service, or were wounded during military service, became disabled as a result of concussions, injuries, or suffered from diseases are admitted to the undergraduate level of higher education institutions without selection on the basis of a state grant.

Press service of the North-Western military district