Olympiad among the cadets is in heated process


Nowadays at the Chirchik higher tank command-engineering school “Military-professional training” VIII International Olympiad is going on among the cadets of the higher military institutions of the members states of the CIS.

Overall, 6 teams from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Republic of Kyrgyz, People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation have started into competing in it.

Particularly, cadets are testing their knowledge and skill in various conditions, such as “Medical readiness”, “Hard in training — easy in battle”, “Chemical defense”, “Orientation”, “International humanitarian law”, “master of arms”, “Duel”, “Sniper”, “Army biathlon” and “Passage”.

For information, Armed Forces academy of Uzbekistan had reached I place last year in this Olympiad.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department