Youth of Muynak got acquainted with the life of military personnel in Nukus garrison


On the initiative of the North-Western military district various visits, meetings, military-patriotically events with youths are being carried out in aim of increasing spirit of patriotism in young people, bringing up them in the spirit of loyalty to the national traditions, as well as, introduce widely military life and prestige of the military job to them.

One of such events was a meeting with the youth of Muynak who visited a long way to Nukus garrison by bus provided by the hokimiyat.

First destination for the guested guys and girls was a place where military personnel improve their spiritual-educational, social-legal knowledge. Library which is full of literary, scientifically literatures and electron books made opportunity for open conversation.

It should be mentioned, that library of the military unit works not just for military personnel, but also for their family members. And this opportunity helps to promote book reading.

Next destination was dormitory of the enlisted military personnel. There information was given about daily guarding structure and duty, keeping discipline and cleanliness, in addition, conditions which were established for the soldiers.

Exhibition of weapons, communication and other military equipment made bright impressions in youths.  That’s to say, first meeting with weapon was unforgettable for young people.

Trip to the museum of the North-Western military district was also accepted warmly by young guests. Here also overall information was given about history of the Republic of Karakalpakistan and Kharezm region, their contribution to the II World War. Youths enriched their knowledge about history more than again.

At the end of meeting thoughts of most of youths have changed and they expressed their interest and dream to be defender of Motherland.

Press service of the North-Western military district