In Karakalpakistan “Vatanparvarlar” military-sport competition winners were welcomed ceremonially


As we informed before, on May 14-16 of this year, in the final stage of the military-sports competition “Vatanparvarlar” which was held among the members of the “Vatan tayanchi” (Support of Motherland) children and youth movement for the Cup of the minister of defense, at the “Sazagan” training field of the Central military district, situated in Samarkand, “Lochin” team of the 2nd general educational school of Konlikol district — one of the remote areas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan have reached victory.

In the meaning, festive ceremony dedicated to welcome the winner team was held in the North-Western military district. Commander of the troops of the North-Western military district, general-major Farhodjon Shermatov, representatives of the Jukorgi Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as, parents and relatives of the pupils took part in it and welcomed the youths.

After receiving ceremonially, the Cup of the minister of defense went to Konlikol district. On this day, there was a big celebration at the 2nd general educational school, where the members of the “Lochin” team study. In this event chairman of the Jukorgi Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Amanbai Orinbayev also visited to the school for congratulating pupils from Karakalpakstan on their victory and sharing commemorative gifts.

During his speech the chairman of the Jukorgi Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan acknowledged that the President of Uzbekistan is giving great opportunities to the representatives of the young generation, and organizing such contests that serve to demonstrate their talent and potential. After that expressed his gratitude to each member of the team for coming from such distant regions and making great achievements, for protecting the honor of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and all the people of Karakalpakistan. It was noted particularly that current victory is the achievement of the people of Karakalpakistan as well.

In the event warm words were said in honor of the young people who were cheering for victory, and those who raised, prepared and gave them practical help for this victory, and gifts from the hokimiyat were handed over ceremonially.

The patriotic Uzbek and Karakalpak national songs performed by the military orchestra of the Spirituality and enlightenment center of Nukus garrison shared festive mood to everyone.

It is noteworthy that youth of the 41st general educational school of Kegeili district, who had defended honor of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, had achieved high results and won the 1st place in the final stage of the “Vatanparvarlar” (Patriots) military-sports competition which had been held for the first time in 2021.

Press service of the South-Western military district