Events are being held aimed to bring up youth in patriotically spirit


“Meeting of three generations” was held in the battalion of the mobilization draft reserve in Andijan garrison of the Eastern military district. In this event Armed Forces veterans and military personnel participated.

During this sincere conversation attenders talked about their life experience, also, shared with experiences which they reached during the professional work. In addition, during the meeting it was mentioned particularly about reforms which are being held in the Armed Forces system and are being created opportunities for the military personnel.

Experience of old people is life school for youths. Especially, if their experience will unite with youths’ passion it becomes power which serve in developing of society more than again. Also, experience of old people has important role in bringing up youths in patriotically spirit.

In the meaning, at the military unit in Kattakurgan garrison of the Central military district “Meeting of three generations” was held in cooperation with representatives of Narpay town administration, regional department of defense affairs, veterans and youths.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department