In Samarkand and Navoi regions “Meeting of generations” was held


In the military units of Samarkand and Navoi garrisons “Meeting of three generations” was held under the slogan “For the new life, for New Uzbekistan!”.

Responsible officers of the Central military district, representatives of the Council of the veterans and related organizations, members of the Council of the veterans of Samarkand city and military personnel took part in it.

Firstly, guests got acquainted with the conditions of the military units and renewed modern material educational bases.

At the literary part of the event, open conversation was held with the military personnel. Those who made a speech in it talked about their life path and achievements, also, gave information about reforms which are being carried out nowadays in the national army of Uzbekistan.

Holding such events serve to receive veterans’ big life and work experiences to the youths.

Press service of the Central military district