Practical exercises were held in Chirchik


In the “Chirchik” training field in leading of the Tashkent military district and responsible representatives of the Central management on battle training of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan testing exercises were held on analyzing the battle preparation and stickiness of the personal structure of airborne, assess them, as well as, preparation of the military units, military technique and weapons in fulfilling battle tasks.

This training was aimed to strengthen stickiness of team and because of these exercises were different from the previous ones. During the exercises main emphasis was directed to the practical exercises, and by the specialists on different spheres, such as shooting preparation, supporting detachments in the military conflicts, disguise, hand-to-hand combat, communication training, stone lifting, line review, weapons against to armored technique, behind the front support and others.

Physical exercises which based on improving patience, speed and strength skills of the military personnel showed that battle preparations are being held at a high level.

In addition, according to the plan, main exercises continued in different training points. Particularly, defenders fulfilled tasks on acting trustfully with armored techniques, setting bridge with the special techniques, heading armored techniques according to their maneuver facilities and shooting from the battle equipment. After that exercises continued at night, during limited viewing condition as well. By these exercises battle memory, psychological stability state and task-fulfilling skills in the stressful states of the military personnel were strengthened.

This testing was significant as it served to improve battle training of the servicemen, their command management, skills of correct and accurate movement in emergency situations.  Professional capability, strength of will, certainly, are acquired and polished in such difficult exercises and stressful situations, and as a result, high results were achieved.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department