“Qalqon-2023” special tactical training was held


According to the plan of the military cooperation which was signed between the defense ministries of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, in leading of the Central military district computer command-staff joint training was held at the Researches on the modernization and simulation training center of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Armed conflicts which are being at present over the several side of the world, demand to learn and put into practice modern methods and styles of fighting, exchange experience with other states army, to improve knowledge with the modern technologies, and to be ready to any kind of stressful situations. In this training such aspects were paid attention particularly.

It’s not difficult today to lead troops on distance, fight against to the armed structure of enemy, and to count beforehand fate of war in the technics and technologies century. In the joint training several issues, such as fixing each state overall, acting in any stressful situations, to fulfill tasks excellent and without losses according to the quickly orders were looked through. We can say straight that our troops have fast and high battle skills. You can see this in the joint training exercises of two states as well.

“Victory Park” memorable complex doesn’t leave indifferent not just Uzbek visitors, but also foreign guests with its exhibits which narrate from the II World War years. Even for a minute white-black views come alive in the thoughts of visitors. And the state museum “Glory” which situated in this complex leads you unintentionally to the history. During the tour guests who came from Kazakhstan got more wealthy information about Uzbek-Kazak people’s brotherhood relations from the history, their overcoming several hard difficulties. 

In the second part of the day at the Researches on the modernization and simulation training center closing ceremony of the training which continuing for 5 days, was held. In this event both sates military personnel’s experience and results of the training were analyzed and commemorative gifts were handed over to the participants.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department