Delegation of the Republic of Korea visited to the Armed Forces academy


It’s informed before, that today on August 1, minister of defense of Uzbekistan, general-lieutenant Bakhodir Kurbanov received delegation which came with the official visit and led by the minister of defense of the South Korea Lee Jong-Sup.

After the bilateral meeting at the Central office of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan, delegation which led by the minister of national defense of Republic of Korea visited to the Armed Forces academy of Uzbekistan.

First, guests got acquainted with the infrastructure, educational process and educational-material base of academy overall. Guests emphasized particularly modern conditions at the leader higher military educational institute for improving professional skills of the military personnel.

During this meeting exchanged opinion about present state of the educational cooperation of two country and in the future stabling this cooperation on this way.

While visiting representatives of the Korean delegation acknowledged great impression from the conditions of the academy, social and combat training objects and also museum of the academy.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department