Holding World cup Judo championship is handed over to the authority of the Ministry of defense of Uzbekistan


In these days in Moscow city of the Russia Federation 78-Head Assembly and Congress of the International military sport council (CISM) are holding. In this conference representatives more than 50 countries are attending on air from Brussels city through the videoconference.

For information, in this solemn event from Uzbekistan head of the Sport center of the Ministry of defense Mansur Mamadaminov and senior inspector of the Battle training department, Colonel Avaz Azimov are participating.

During the event participant states sport acts and participation in the international competitions and other issues were looked through. In the conference holding World cup Judo championship in 2024 year handed over to the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and this shows high truth of international organization to our country.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department