In the valley regions “Vatan manzumasi” literary-spiritual parties were held


Leader of State had given number of suggestions in the meeting of the National security council under the President of Uzbekistan which held in January 13 on developing military personal’s ideological-psychological and battle training, increasing patriotism in youths, in the troops spiritual-ideological, cultural trainings.

“Vatan manzumasi” (Devotion Motherland) literary-spiritual parties which were held in Fergana, Andijan and Namangan regions, were particular exemplar to execution of these tasks.

In these events which were organized in cooperation of the Ministry of defense, Ministry of Culture and tourism, Union of writers, Republican Spiritual and ideological center and other organizations, songs and poems were performed that glorify Motherland.

We should mention, that each song, poem and preformation in the programs were connected to each other. Viewer don’t wink even in a minute. This was reflected in the eyes of viewers who are representatives of different categories.

In the literary-spiritual party meaningful theatrical literary compositions were also performed as well. In addition, military personnel who had died in defense of Motherland bravely, were remembered.

For information, this literary-spiritual parties were held through Uzbekistan and in it military personnel of the Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department — senior lieutenant Islomjon Kuchkarov and Personnel of the Armed Forces Begali Eshonkulov also attended with their poems and reached confession of viewers.

 Eastern military district