Regional stage of “Vatanparvarlar” military sport competitions was held in Surkhandarya


In one of the military units of Termiz garrison which located in the South-Western special military district regional stage of the “Vatanparvarlar” (Patriots) military-sport competition was held under the slogan “Men g‘olib” (I’m a winner) teams which was consisted of 10-11-class pupils of secondary schools for the cup of the minister of defense.

Commander of the South-Western special military district troops, representatives of regional department of the defense affairs, Termiz military prosecutor office, regional school and pre-school educational department, veterans and widely public attended in it.

Participants of the competition competed in different tasks, such as “Line songs”, “Capable sniper”, “Military relay”, “Duathlon”, reader of the “Temur tuzuklari” (Temur’s rules) and to give first medical aid as well.

Competition was heated and full of arguments. Each team defended their honor of town and competed for victory. Juries also assessed them openly. At the closing ceremony deputy commander on educational and ideological affairs Alsiher Shirinov made a speech about attention of state to youth, support them and achievements of youths, and expressed success to a winner team for reaching victory in the republican stage too.

According to the final results, “Janub qalqonlari” team of 36th secondary school of Kizirik town took III place, “Yosh chegarachi” team of 6th secondary school of Uzun town reached II place, and “Bars” team of the 10th secondary school of Denov town became completely winner of the competition and reached I place. Winners and prize winners were awarded with the diploma and valuable gifts.

Sergeant III degree Akbar Ahmedov, Termiz garrison