Uzbek military delegation discussed joint trainings which will be held in India


According to the two-side agreement of 2022-2023 which signed between Uzbekistan-India, for coordinating “Do‘stlik-2023” (Friendship-2023) Uzbek-India joint trainings which planned to hold current year, Uzbek military delegation received in International training field in Pitkhoragarh city of the Uttarakhad state located in Kumaon region.  

It should be mentioned, that today Uzbekistan is continuing events aimed to military and military-technical issues and stabling international relations with leader states of the world.

In the meaning, “Friendship-2019” Uzbek-India joint tactical trainings which were held from the 2019 year, created more chances to improve military relations with India, to exchange experience planning and carrying out combat operations.

Next joint trainings were held in March, 2021 in “Chaubatiya” training center located in Ranikhet province of Utaranchal state, and by these joint trainings military cooperation between two state was stabled in fighting against to terrorism and participating in battle actions.

“Friendship-2022” joint trainings were held in “Yangiariq” united troops field of the North-Western special military district located in Kharezm region gave chance exchange experience in issues military-political condition, prevent risks and threats in national and global security  field, besides, to improve professionalism of military personnel, their battle training and skills.

Head of department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rasul Japarov and deputy commander of the North-Western military district, colonel Ismoil Kurbanov agreed with Indian colleague in establishing trainings in February-March months of current year, receive Uzbekistan military contingents, to place them and supply issues.

In this meeting according to the agreement of both of sides sport and cultural events will be established as well.

North-Western military district