“Dustlik — 2023”: Uzbek-India joint training has started in India


According to the plan of the military relation which was signed between Uzbekistan and India, 45 Uzbek military personnel for attending in the “Dustlik-2023” (Friendship-2023) Uzbek-India joint training which was planned for February-March months of current year, received to the Garhwal Rifles14-batalion in mountainy region of Pithoragarh city of Uttaraghand state, by the international airport named after Indira Gandi situated in New Dehli city.

As we informed before, “Friendship-2019” Uzbek-India joint tactical trainings which were held from the 2019 year, created more chances to improve military relations with India, to exchange experience planning and carrying out combat operations.

Next joint trainings were held in March, 2021 in “Chaubatiya” training center located in Ranikhet province of Utaranchal state, and by these joint trainings military cooperation between two state was stabled in fighting against to terrorism and participating in battle actions.

“Dustlik-2023” joint trainings were held in “Yangiariq” united troops field of the North-Western special military district located in Kharezm region gave chance exchange experience in issues military-political condition, prevent risks and threats in national and global security  field, besides, to improve professionalism of military personnel, their battle training and skills.

Today Uzbekistan goes on fruitful, to strengthen military relations between developed foreign states and joint events. It should be mentioned that historical closeness of Uzbekistan and India based on stable trust and respect, at present strategical relations are being strengthened.

“Dustlik-2023” joint training has started with carrying out national flags of two countries. After that in honor of two participant states, at first India, then Uzbekistan anthem were sung under the military orchestra.

At the festively event commander of the command Garhwal Rifles brigade-32 Mayank Vaid made a speech, and mentioned that all needy conditions were organized to this joint training, and expressed gratitude to leaders of both countries for this.

Responsible officer of the Ministry of defense Colonel Shavkatjon Sarmonkulov, who made a speech from contingent of Uzbekistan mentioned that relations of two states are developing more and more, in military sphere as well, and expressed success to all participants.

After that briefing and collective photographing were held.

At the beginning of the joint training exercises, hosts gave information about history, culture and traditions of India. Then military vehicle and arms were acquainted.

For information, this joint training will go on from February 20 until 5th of March. During the joint training different special missions, such as finding out conventional terroristic groups, liquidate them, overcome mountainy obstacles, to fulfill combat missions in mountainy and woody regions.

Ministry of defense Information and
mass communications department