Next certificates were presented at the Armed forces academy


At the base of Armed Forces academy Training troops of Ministry of internal affairs department improvement of professional skill for senior technician and technician specialties study courses of the military personnel on contract were completed.

In this connection presenting ceremony of certificates to the graduators was held at the active hall of the Armed Forces academy. Military personnel who studied at the training courses of contract military specialists and recorded positive results in the final tests were awarded qualification certificates by the Armed Forces Academy and the leadership of the command, as well as a number of military personnel were awarded the rank of sergeant of the III degree.

Those who made speech during the event gave information about the positive reforms being carried out in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, including the systematic training of qualified personnel with military and socio-political knowledge based on the requirements of present times.

At the end of the event military tune and songs which were performed by the military orchestra and well-known artists shared festive spirit to the event.

Ministry of defense Information and mass communications department