The officers of the command structure are undergoing training at the International Islamic Academy


Today’s era requires the representatives of every field to work on the basis of fast and reliable sources, new developments, to operate in a modern format. Especially in the armed conflicts taking place in the world, formation of fighting spirit and ideological immunity of military personnel, further increasing their sense of selflessness and patriotism remains one of the tasks that cannot be postponed. This is the most important condition for ensuring high combat readiness, stable morale and morale and strong confidence of the personnel in victory in the Armed Forces.

According to the PD-371 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 8, 2022 in order to increase the moral and spiritual readiness and fighting spirit of the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to strengthen their mental tolerance to various complex and difficult situations, and to strengthen their ideological immunity against foreign ideas regarding the implementation of the decision, today, November 7, at the International Islamic Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the training of the officers of the command structure on the special program “Spiritual and educational foundations of strengthening ideological immunity against foreign ideas” was organized.

During the ten-day training course (72 hours), highly qualified professors of the Academy will provide high moral-spiritual training and fighting spirit of military personnel in the troops to the officers of the command structure, strengthen their ideological immunity against various destructive ideas and influences, high military discipline in military teams, new knowledge and understanding about mutual help and cooperation is given.

The main goal of these trainings is to strengthen the moral and spiritual psychology of military personnel, to improve their professional skills, and to strengthen the ability to correctly analyze any foreign ideas.

Also, during these trainings, the audience’s visits to the notable monuments, museums, and holy places of our country are scheduled.