The process of passing the final state examination began at the Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering School


The month of June can be considered as one of the toughest periods for the students. This is due to the fact that high results in the state exams show only those with strong knowledge.

At present, the Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering School has begun the process of passing the final state examination of graduating cadets. Future officers are successfully completing theoretical and practical assignments in such disciplines as firing and artillery fire control, construction and operation of anti-aircraft systems, the national idea: the development strategy of Uzbekistan, the methodology of moral and psychological control of service, foreign languages, rocket artillery and tactics. Members of the State Attestation Commission are transparently and objectively assessing the extent to which the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of cadets meet the requirements of state educational standards.

It is important for tactical commanders of special units to know the methodology of ethical-psychological control of performance – said fourth-year cadet Doniyor Ergashev. – Theoretical and practical knowledge that we gained in the learning process, today was tested at the final state certification. I was able to give clear answers to all the questions I received. I am grateful to our teachers for this. The knowledge and skills we gained from them will help us in the future to apply them in the army as officers.

Combat and physical training is one of the most important aspects for a serviceman. State attestation in specialties and general professional disciplines also summarizes the knowledge and skills acquired from qualified teachers for exactly four (five) years. In this regard, we wish our graduates a successful passing of all examinations.

Lieutenant Dilshod ROZIKULOV, Ministry of Defense Department of Information and Mass Communications